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Our History

Both Chris and I were raised on dairy farms no more than five miles from our current location.  As they say ‘farming is in our blood.’ 


With a desire to continue farming after we married, Chris set out to rent acreage and purchase machinery while running a feed delivery business. Even purchasing machinery that was older than the sum of our ages at the time was expensive for a young couple.  We borrowed money and Chris began row crop farming (growing corn, wheat and soybeans) and making hay on the newly rented acreage.  We pushed towards our goal to purchase our own farm.




Once married, we spent my last semester of college  abroad


Our Farm

In 2003 Chris began renting the land we currently own.  Through the untimely death of the landowner’s son, we were able to purchase the property in 2005 from Dave & Freda Smiley. 


One thing I find neat is that Chris's grandparents lived in the very same farmhouse we currently live in when they were newly married.  We moved in almost 50 years later to the day they moved in.   


With two young girls, a new mortgage, and payments on our machinery, we pressed on the only way we knew how – with hard work and dreams. 


A vintage aerial photo of our farm.


Our children's first pumpkins from the farm.


Our Meat

Fast forward a few years and commodity prices were rising.  Sounds good, doesn’t it?  Farmers should be getting paid more for their crops.  Well, as a small operator (around 700 acres), we were not large enough to bulk buy our inputs – seed, fertilizer, herbicide.  So as the commodity prices rose, so did all of our input costs.  And it was at that point that we decided to make a change and pursue direct marketing of our farm products; first the beef we had been selling to neighbors locally then we added pork, chicken, and turkey all raised on pasture and fed non-GMO grains.  Our family takes pride in the quality of meat and other products we raise on the farm and provide to you and your family.  Try some today!


Our Maze

In the summer of 2009, we decide to take our three children to a corn maze.  After that visit the ideas started swirling and plans for our very own corn maze started to form.  2010 was the year we held our first corn maze and pick-your-own pumpkin patch.  Each year since we have held a themed corn maze and fall farm adventure.  If you visit us in the fall, you will see our children and many family members working to provide a fun time for your family.


A few cows and a bull from our herd.


Hours Coming Soon!





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64 Tree Lane, Aspers, PA 17304 * (888) 677-0093

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